Vacuum Pro adalah synthesizer analog polifonik dengan pemodelan sirkuit tabung hampa yang secara sempurna menangkap suara hangat dan renyah dari era analog. Dengan empat osilator analog, beberapa filter dan amplop, dan efek audio bawaan, Vacuum Pro memungkinkan Anda menyelam jauh ke dalam sintesis subtraktif untuk menciptakan kembali suara analog yang dicari dari tahun 70-an dan 80-an. Sesuaikan tombol, kenop, dan panggil untuk memprogram apa pun dari bass, prospek, bantalan, atau efek suara unik. Untuk lebih banyak kehangatan, Vacuum Pro memiliki enam sirkuit tabung hampa virtual yang menambahkan kekusutan dan grit pada setiap tahap jalur sinyal. Analog baru saja jauh lebih hangat.
Vacuum Pro is a polyphonic analog synthesizer with vacuum tube circuit modeling that perfectly captures the crunchy, warm sound of the analog era. With four analog oscillators, multiple filters and envelopes, and built-in audio effects, Vacuum Pro lets you dive deep into subtractive synthesis to recreate those sought-after analog sounds from the 70s and 80s. Tweak the switches, knobs, and dials to program anything from basses, leads, pads, or unique sound effects. For even more warmth, Vacuum Pro has six virtual vacuum tube circuits that add crunch and grit at every stage of the signal path. Analog just got a whole lot warmer.
- A four-oscillator polyphonic analog synthesizer with vacuum tube circuit modeling
- Super-wide, fat, and organic analog sound captures the character of classic synthesizers
- Two individual synthesizer parts for huge, stacked sounds
- 350+ tweakable patches programmed by legendary sound designers
- Smart Sound Randomizer dials in settings to user-defined parameters
- 8 Smart Knobs for easy programming and macro control over key parameters
- Economy mode reduces the load on the host processor with minimal impact on the sound
- 32-64-bit plugin: VST, AU, RTAS, and AAX formats
Download Link:
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